
Chloe-Lee Longhetti – The Daily Telegraph – March 08, 2015

Prime Minister, Tony Abbott may be used to putting out fires politically, but it seems he also has a knack for it on the ground as he received a medal for ten years of service to the NSW Rural Fire Service.

Mr Abbott was awarded the medal yesterday (March 7th) for his volunteer work at Davidson Rural Fire Brigade, where he regularly volunteers, and swapped his usual suit for the fireys’ yellow get-up.

Despite not giving a speech, Mr Abbott was in good spirits as he greeted fellow brigade members and posed for pictures with the station team.

He was presented the medal by District Manager Craig Geddes.

“The first medal is for ten years of service, congratulations to Tony Abbott,” Mr Geddes said.


Photo Jeremy Piper, published on

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O’Dea gave a speech to thank the brigade for their hard work and service.

He later told The Daily Telegraph “the example that the Prime Minister sets for the community should be highlighted.”

“No matter how busy or how many other obligations people have in their personal lives, there is always opportunity for every member of our society to contribute back to the wellbeing of our overall society and community and in that sense, the Prime Minister is a shining example of how we can all contribute to our local and broader communities,” O’Dea said.


Prime Minister Tony Abbott rewarded for a decade of RFS service
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One thought on “Prime Minister Tony Abbott rewarded for a decade of RFS service

  • March 15, 2015 at 12:03 pm

    Mr Abbott would look much better wearing a blue shirt, especially since this was an awards ceremony.

    The department seems to be hell-bend upon getting the volunteers and staff into yellow shirts.

    Why then don’t they lead by example?

    Why don’t they ban the White Shirt – there’s an idea for a new campaign:

    Bring back the Blue and Ban the White.

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