Thank you cards and letters from Scouts in the US

Thank you cards and letters from Scouts in the US

The VFFA received a bunch of thank you cards and letters from Scouts in the US.

The cards and letters were sent by Samantha Palmer and the VFFA has produced this short video to say thanks.

The cards, letters and video acknowledges the hard work by all firefighters in Australia and those from other countries that deployed to assist.

A big thank you to all of the Scouts for their cards and letters, you support is very much appreciated.

RED Friday Organization is stepping up to help

RED Friday Organization is stepping up to help

You have seen our firefighters battling the bushfires on the news. Now, some of our these brave men and women have another battle to fight against PTSD and other forms of Operational Stress Injury.

Through funding campaigns, the RED Friday Organization is stepping up to help safeguard the mental health of our Firefighters.

This video may help to shed some light on the current situation.

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