Thank you cards and letters from Scouts in the US

Thank you cards and letters from Scouts in the US

The VFFA received a bunch of thank you cards and letters from Scouts in the US.

The cards and letters were sent by Samantha Palmer and the VFFA has produced this short video to say thanks.

The cards, letters and video acknowledges the hard work by all firefighters in Australia and those from other countries that deployed to assist.

A big thank you to all of the Scouts for their cards and letters, you support is very much appreciated.

World expert to help NSW bushfire recovery

Bronnie Taylor, Minister for Mental Health has urged anyone suffering from trauma or stress as a result of the State’s bushfire crisis to contact their local health service.

The Disaster Welfare Assistance Line is staffed with counselling support and can be accessed by phone on 1800 018 444.

More help can be accessed via:
NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511,
Lifeline Australia on 131114, or Lifeline’s dedicated bushfire line on 13 43 57,
Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636,
Mensline on 1300 789 978 or
Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800.

NSW Bushfires – State Memorial

NSW Bushfires – State Memorial

A State Memorial for those impacted by the recent bushfires will take place on Sunday 23 February 2020 at the Qudos Bank Arena at Sydney Olympic Park. Those attending are asked to arrive from 10:30am and to be seated by 11:20am.

The event is an opportunity to bring together members of the public from across NSW to recognise the lives lost, the sacrifices made and to show support for the families and communities impacted by the fires.

All relatives, friends, representatives of involved organisations and members of the public are welcome to attend the State Memorial.

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