The following Draft Service Standards are currently out for consultation and members are encouraged to provide feedback.
The VFFA is sharing this material to help provide the widest circulation possible.
Send you feedback or enquiries by email to or provide your feedback via the MyRFS forums.
Consultation Draft Service Standard 1.1.3 – Notice of Grievance Form. |
The Notice of Grievance Form is to be used in accordnace with consultation draft Service Standard 1.1.3 Grievances.
Consultation Draft Service Standard 1.1.3 Grievances v3.0 |
Service Standard 1.1.3 Grievances was reviewed in 2014 and updated to reflect legislation (particularly the introduction of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013). The Service Standard has now been reviewed in greater depth, in liaison with Regional Services and legal advisors. The Service Standard has been completely revised, to simplify and streamline procedures with the aim of enabling resolution of issues at the lowest possible level.