How flash is your fire shed or firefighting appliance?

It is worth pointing out that there are many rural brigades that don’t even had a fire shed. Some areas struggle to meet the financial needs of their local Districts whilst Head Office continues to roll out projects and programs that continually push the budgets to breaking point and beyond.

A few big fires and the government cheque books are opened up to create a situation where the RFS expenditure is constantly being expanded.

Meanwhile, your Brigade may have an older truck, may operate out of a farmers shed and your members are hard pressed to get a second set of PPE.

Programs like State Mittigation Support Services continue to grow, the RFS invests millions into aviation and the bureaucracy is creating a massive divide between RFS management and it’s volunteers.

Watch this web site because we (the VFFA) are watching the fund raising activities and expenditure of the RFS and its association very closely.

Gross Mismanagement of Funding
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