The VFFA is a signatory to The Howitt Society’s Letter to the Prime Minister urging Scott Morrison to reinstate the Royal Commission enquiry into land and vegetation management.

The letter is signed by:

  • The Bushfire Front of WA
  • National Timber Councils Association
  • The Mountain Cattlemen’s Association of Victoria
  • South East Timber Association
  • Forest & Wood Communities Australia
  • Volunteer Fire Fighters Association
  • The Saltbush Club

You can read the letter in full here:

The Howitt Society’s website provides a wealth of information on the subject of land management:

Howitt Society Letter to the PM
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2 thoughts on “Howitt Society Letter to the PM

  • October 29, 2020 at 12:12 pm

    Great work all, the importance of fuel loads and landscape hazard reduction burning has been greatly underestimated.

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