We received a message from a reader of our electronic newsletter stating that we got it wrong…

Farmers are saying they are better off using their own firefighting equipment
Farmers are saying they are better off using their own firefighting equipment rather than relying on the Rural Fire Service to help them. Ref: The Land Newspaper Photo: Nick Moir. Click on the photo (above) to view the original newspaper article.

Hi Editor

The entry under Private Fire Fighting Units says ‘…fire protection that was once provided by the state…’.  I beg to differ.

Protection for farmers was always provided by the farmers, and the State created the RFS to support and assist the rural vollies – ie the farmers in particular.

That evolved (? devolved) into the present structure, where the tail is now wagging the dog.

The RFS does not support volunteers, you are there solely to support this huge political behemoth that is increasingly regulating every aspect of life and property development in NSW, under the guise of protecting our children and our children’s children and the lives of the selfless volunteers, etc etc blah blah.

And how dare anyone create a competing fire fighting organisation that may actually work, save rural properties by getting in early and hard, and putting out small fires – as we used to – and in the process show the mega-bureaucracy up for what it is?

Anyhow, obviously I support the real vollies and what they are continuing to to try to do.

But please don’t make mistakes like crediting the RFS with providing fire protection.  They once provided support, only, to the actual protectors.   

Best regards,

Reply from the Editor…

I thank you for your letter and I have one thing to say…. “point taken”.

I will edit that article immediately.

Protection for Farmers was always provided by Farmers
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