There are many examples of how the NSW Government is cutting back services and expecting our volunteers to pick up the slack.
The lack of Ambulance Officers in some rural areas creates a situation where our volunteers are too often, required to drive the Ambulance to emergency medical care, whilst the paid officer tends to the patient. Most volunteers are happy to provide support from time to time, but there comes a point in time that these expectations become unreasonable.
The same could be said for the restructure of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS).
The NPWS claims that the cuts and restructure has not impacted upon the service’s firefighting capacity, but the VFFA is receiving a very different story from many NPWS staff. They say that a large number of very experienced NPWS firefighters have left the service and the restructure has not always replaced those people with a comparable experience base.
It has been suggested that the NSW Government is cashing in on the good will of NSW Volunteers (not limited to firefighting).
The NSW Government needs to be reminded that volunteers are a valuable resource that must be respected, not abused.