Sure, there may be 70,000+ on the books but ask any NSW RFS Brigade how many active firefighters or even active members they have compared to the numbers of people on the books then you might begin to realise the enormity of this allusionary figure.
Disconnect between RFS management and volunteers
The suggestion of a disconnect between NSW RFS fire ground management and volunteer members is based upon submissions made by people, including many volunteers.
Employer Incentives
The Queensland State Government offers payroll tax exemptions for the employers of fire service volunteers whist they are away from their normal job and are engaged in emergency service tasks.
Would this be a good idea for NSW?
Rewarding Volunteers through the Tax System
Michael Eburn has published an interesting article on his Australian Emergency Law Blog (December 19, 2014) that is worth a read. Click HERE to view the entire article and feel free to add some comments. Extracts from the article below: The NSW Volunteer Fire Fighters
Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention
Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSWRFS) currently boasts a volunteer membership of 70,000 members made up of active fire fighters, communication and catering personnel and other support roles. There has been much debate recently within