Prepare to burn on Background Briefing

Prepare to burn on Background Briefing

The VFFA has been pushing for improved land management practices that include cool burning and other mitigation activities since our inception in 2004.

The following article is being shared as a point of interest, a type of “media watch” so that we can openly debate and discuss the issues.

ABC – RN Summary: It’s been the most devastating September for bushfires in this country on record. Experts are warning of more unprecedented weather events than ever before, and they’re calling for urgent national leadership. In this special collaboration.

Farmers say there is too much Bureaucracy in Fighting Fires

Farmers say there is too much Bureaucracy in Fighting Fires

Let the volunteers make the decisions that have done all the firefighting for many years and have been fairly happy with the setup.

Since the release of the review, the Rural Fire Brigades Association Queensland (RFBAQ) has been pushing for place-based decision making that would allow local volunteer brigades to have the final say.

“I don’t think any rural fire brigade was ever consulted and gave their approval of an outside group coming to take charge of the fires here and take charge of your machinery and all the rest of it,” he said.

“I don’t think that setup is going to lead to harmony, I think it’s more likely to lead to conflict.”

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