Was the attack on the fundraising activities of the RFSA justified? – Part 5

Was the attack on the fundraising activities of the RFSA justified? – Part 5

Radio coverage on this issue

This part of our series includes two podcasts from the Ray Hadley Morning Show.

Podcast 1. Ray Hadley talks to Mick Holton about the newspaper story, fundraising and the RFSA.

Podcast 2. Ray Hadley grills the Emergency Services Minister, David Elliott about the NSW RFSA and their call centre based fundraising activities.

Was the attack on the fundraising activities of the RFSA justified? – Part 4

Comments from a harassed member of the public

The phone calls are aggressive and becoming increasingly so!

This last call, the young male caller immediately went into overdrive saying “surely I’d want to support the great guys helping out in South Australia”.

I call this emotional blackmail and I told him so.

I said that I always give to specific funds for bushfire relief, usually through St Vincent de Paul and I would really appreciate no further calls.

He was still shouting at me when I said “thank you for calling” and hung up.

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