2ST morning show host, Barry Mac talks to VFFA Vice President, Brian Williams about the fire hazard reduction issues at Potato Point.
The Fire Fight over Potato Point
The second in a series of adverts has been published in The Land newspaper (page 32) on Thursday 11th December 2014. The text reads as follows: The Fire Fight over Potato Point Imagine for a minute you’re a resident of Potato
Parks won’t give an inch
The VFFA is campaigning to help the Potato Point Community restore the fire break they need. The first of a new series of adverts has been published in The Land newspaper on Thursday 4th December 2014. The text reads as
The battle to make Potato Point safe from bushfires
By Tim Barlass, November 30, 2014. It is a remote clifftop enclave boasting seclusion and enviable views. There is only one blot on the landscape for the 150 or so residents of Potato Point, in Eurobodalla Shire on the south coast –