Concerned volunteer shares an email with us…
Members of the Central Coast District were advised via email on Friday 26th May 2017, that the RFS has no stocks of current PPC and if new members require gear they will have to beg or borrow PPC from other members.
The email stated we have plenty of helmets, boots and gloves in stock.
What next? Are we going back to the 1970’s when we bought our own gear?
We were advised last month that the new designed PPC wont be available until the 2nd half of this year with womens clothing been issued first.
I wish to stay anonymous regarding this subject.
One feels its another excellent newspaper item showing the public what RFS volunteers are expected to do whilst those in Homebush get everything. I commend your excellent article in last weeks Central Coast Express Advocate .
Keep up the great work on our behalf.
Work Health and Safety Regulation
It is important that any volunteer who is refused PPE, politely informs their District, Team or Zone office that they have an obligation to supply the PPE in accordance with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, Division 5 – Personal protective equipment.
Section 44 – Provision to workers and use of personal protective equipment states:
(1) This clause applies if personal protective equipment is to be used to minimise a risk to health and safety in relation to work at a workplace in accordance with clause 36.
(2) The person conducting a business or undertaking (The NSW RFS in this case) who directs the carrying out of work must provide the personal protective equipment to workers at the workplace, unless the personal protective equipment has been provided by another person conducting a business or undertaking.
Hi all,
This may be a little off topic, but I have concerns regarding the management of contaminated PPE items. It states in the protocols that the each member is responsible for the cleaning of his/her own PPE and uniform, but what if it has been exposed to contaminates when in attendance at a car fire or structure fire? These contaminates are proven to be carcinogenic.
So my concerns are:-
– are we expected to then wash these items in our home washing machines where we also wash our children’s cloths?
– what procedures are in place for the transport and storage of these contaminated items, eg. Transporting them in private vehicles.
– under WHS regulations, should the RFS be offering a proven effective laundering or dry cleaning service to protect its active members and their families?
– should there be spare PPE available while contaminated gear is sent off for cleaning.
Fire and Rescue NSW has strict protocols in place for the isolation, containment and cleaning of PPE. A laundering and dry cleaning service is provided for is members.
Interested to hear your thoughts.
The following comment came from a person who would not provide their name (even to the VFFA).
They claim that we are just stirring the pot. The original email (post) about the PPE was received from an identified source. We did not publish their name.
The VFFA did suggest in the post that our volunteers politely solve these types of PPE supply problems. We are striving to maintain a mutual respect for each other. Play the ball, not the player.
What a load of rubbish. This is just stirring the pot for the sake of stirring. ALL RFS members are provided with adequate safety clothing and equipment. The original email was clearly taken out of context. You lot are not helping us volunteers, only making things more difficult. Crawl back under the rock from whence you came!
The VFFA disputes the commenter’s claim that: ALL RFS members are provided with adequate safety clothing and equipment.
There are many cases where less fortunate areas around the state struggle with PPE budgets.