Dear VFFA Members, Friends, Supporters and Sponsors

You are invited to join us for an important General Meeting to be held at the Murrumbateman Inn (near Yass) at 10am on Saturday April 1st 2017.

Yes… we do realise that this date is April Fools Day, but only a fool would deny that the voice of the volunteer firefighter in NSW is gaining strength, volume and resolve.

Venue Details:

Last year’s meeting (at this location) drew over one hundred people from around NSW along with a number of media representatives including the ABC’s Landline Programme.

Given the recent major fires including the:

  • Sir Ivan fire (east of Dunedoo) – 35 homes reported lost, 11 damaged, a church and community destroyed.
  • Spring Hill fire (Dondingalong) – 2 homes reported lost.
  • Peppinbarra Road fire (Beechwood) – 6 homes reported lost, 3 damaged.
  • Bingalong Road fire (Boggabri) – 1 home reported lost.
  • White Cedars Road fire (north of Mudgee) – 1 home reported lost.
  • Talieson Road fire (Carwoola near Queanbeyan) – 11 homes reported lost, 12 damaged.

Unfortunately the statistics (above) do not mention huge losses by farmers and graziers. Their stock, fodder, fences and other rural assets are often overlooked by a fire service with city-centric influence.

We expect to have some of those affected by the Sir Ivan fire in attendance along with representatives from NSW Farmers Association. As such, we are expecting this meeting to be quite feisty and productive.

Morning and Afternoon Tea will be provided and a pub style lunch can be purchased. Sorry, but we don’t have millions of dollars in the bank to put on a five star show like other associations, you will have to buy your own lunch. Having said that, we do offer support for those who may be facing financial hardship on a case by case basis, please contact your VFFA Rep if you need assistance.

Currently accommodation at Murrumbateman is full but there is plenty available at Yass (only ten minutes away). Give us a shout if you need assistance securing accommodation.

We hope you can make it on the day.

With Best Wishes,
Michael (Mick) Holton
President – VFFA

VFFA General Meeting – Murrumbateman Inn
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