The RFSA telemarketing scandal has damaged the reputation of the RFSA as seen in this newspaper editorial below.

We are still waiting to find out how much was spent on the RFSA birthday celebrations at Penrith Panthers using money donated by the public.

Until the RFSA becomes more transparent (property investments, expenditure and financial standing), the VFFA suggests that anyone wishing to make a donation should contact your local Brigade.

Note: The association referred to in this newspaper clip is the Rural Fire Service Association (RFSA).

The name of the author has been suppressed because the VFFA is concerned about bullying and harassment of those who speak out.


RFS (RFSA) Telemarketing
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One thought on “RFS (RFSA) Telemarketing

  • September 10, 2017 at 5:53 am



    Where an appeal is conducted through means of a telephone, the authorised fundraiser must ensure that it is conducted in accordance with Part C of the ADMA Code of Practice published by the Australian Direct Marketing Association.
    The code specifies that a caller must:
    1. identify himself or herself
    2. tell the person being called, if asked, how the person’s name or number was obtained. If the caller does not know, they must find someone who does
    3. only call between 8am and 9pm and not at all on Christmas Day, Good Friday or Easter Sunday
    4. provide a clear opportunity to accept or reject the offer
    5. accept a refusal courteously and hang up
    6. appreciate that the person being called may have been contacted at an inconvenient time and offer to call back
    7. not make calls pretending to do research or a survey when they are really trying to sell something.

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