Radio 2ST

Published: 02 September 2014 on the 2ST web page.

Blue or Yellow Shirts for RFS Volunteers?

In recent times there’s has been a great deal of angst amonst RFS volunteers about the yellow shirts replacing the blue drill shirt.

Barry Mac spoke to Ben Sheppard Media Officer from the RFS and Mick Holton, Chairman of the Volunteer Firfighters Association Region South.

Have a listen to Mick’s comments on this issue.


Click HERE to read the original media article.

This post is intended as a means of sharing media information. The views or opinions expressed in the content may not be shared by all NSW FRS Volunteer. Readers are encouraged to form their own opinions based upon a wide range of information and experience.

The RFS is Not Listening
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One thought on “The RFS is Not Listening

  • December 24, 2015 at 7:09 pm

    Through my various emergency service activities over the years I have been awarded various Service Medals. The situation as it stands now is that I am not issued a shirt as a firefighter on which I can wear these awards and decorations. I would like to see this issue addressed.

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