Ref: NSW Government – Transport for NSW – Centre for Road Safety

Changes to the road rules as of 26th September 2019

The trial of a rule that required motorists to slow down to 40km/h when passing stationary emergency vehicles with flashing blue or red lights has been completed and changes will be made to the road rule as a result of a review of the 12 month trial, which included community feedback.

This rule is being changed to improve the safety of emergency services personnel, tow truck operators and breakdown assistance providers working on the road, as well as the people they are helping. The changes will also make it safer on higher speed roads where the time and distance required to reduce speed to 40km/h is the greatest. The changes to the rule will commence on 26 September 2019.

The rule will protect more vulnerable roadside workers

The rule will be expanded to apply to motorists when passing stationary tow trucks and breakdown assistance vehicles displaying flashing yellow lights, in addition to emergency vehicles displaying flashing blue or red lights.

There will be changes to the requirements for motorists, depending on the speed limit of the road

On higher speed roads (with a speed limit of 90km/h or more), motorists will be required to slow down safely to a speed that is reasonable for the circumstances. Motorists must also provide sufficient space between their vehicle and the stationary tow truck, breakdown assistance or emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights. This will include changing lanes on a multi-lane road if it is safe to do so.

On lower speed roads (with a speed limit of 80km/h or less), motorists will continue to be required to slow to 40km/h when passing stationary tow trucks, breakdown assistance or emergency vehicles displaying flashing lights.

The rule applies to help protect those who protect us

All motorists must also give way to any person on foot in the vicinity of a stationary tow truck, breakdown assistance or emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights. Motorists must not increase their speed until they are a sufficient distance past all the vehicles and people involved.

The rule does not apply when a stationary tow truck, breakdown assistance or emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights is on the opposite side of a divided road separated by a median strip.

Slow Down, Move Over and Give Space
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One thought on “Slow Down, Move Over and Give Space

  • November 24, 2020 at 12:32 pm

    Why weren’t road workers and traffic management included in this?
    It shouldn’t be just tow truck drivers and roadside assistance, it should be all. Even cyclists get a metre clearance rule yet again traffic controllers are left out.
    Please rectify this immediately before another roadworker is killed on the job.
    Shayne Willis

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