Well done Mr Barilaro – Next step is to move the RFS Head Office

Well done Mr Barilaro – Next step is to move the RFS Head Office

A very big and sincere well done to the NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Small Business, John Barilaro as he explains the “Easy to do business” program.

Mr Barilaro talks about streamlining business operations, boosting the NSW economy, making it easier and the removal of red tape.

He also suggests that much of the bureaucracy associated with the red tape is typical of government.

The VFFA fully supports this fantastic approach but are disappointed in the short sightedness of the NSW Nationals when it comes to the failure to see the vast benefits of relocating the NSW Rural Fire Service Head Office or larger parts thereof to a regional area.

Collie Best Location for (WA) Rural Fire Service

Collie Best Location for (WA) Rural Fire Service

Congratulations to the Liberal Government in Western Australia in announcing the locating of its new Rural Fire Service Headquarters to a Rural location.

It’s not too late for NSW to follow suit by relocating our RURAL Fire Service to a rural location.

Let’s put the RURAL back into the Rural Fire Service.

Frenchie and Barry Mac are back

Frenchie and Barry Mac are back

Graham French and Barry Mac (formerly the morning show team at South Coast Radio 2ST) are moving back to Community Radio.

The show starts on Thur, 12th Jan at 9:00am on Community Radio Triple U FM.

Don’t miss this first program with the VFFA President, Mick Holton talking about four key areas of VFFA focus:

1. Bullying and Harassment
2. Let’s put the RURAL back into the Rural Fire Service
3. Funding Arrangements
4. Common sense approaches towards firefighting and land management

RFSA – How much did this cost?

RFSA – How much did this cost?

The Rural Fire Service Association (RFSA) will not disclose how much their 20th Anniversary celebrations cost and where the money came from.

Did attendees make a contribution?
Did Panthers do the RFSA a special deal?
Were special guests looked after in the, now famous RFSA “Gala” style?
Were there any special guests flown in and at what cost?
Was it all paid for using RFSA funds that were generated from generous public donations and raffle ticket sales?
How many new style firefighting helmets, radios or other much sought after items could this event (and others like it) have funded?

Perhaps those who have made donations and purchased raffle tickets will think twice before doing so again unless the RFSA provides a great deal more transparency.

Rural communities are not impressed. The VFFA campaign to put the RURAL back into the Rural Fire Service will continue…. the next state election will be interesting.

Back to the big smoke: RFS headquarters to stay in Sydney (or not)

Back to the big smoke: RFS headquarters to stay in Sydney (or not)

It is very disappointing that the government has not heeded the warnings made clear in the Orange By Election.

Orange and Dubbo (like many other regional areas) have a lot to offer, flying from Sydney to Orange or Dubbo would be comparable and a lot more enjoyable than dealing with city traffic. The Commissioner could even have the chopper standing by just outside his office.

It is a very short sighted decision and it may proof to become extremely costly in terms of voter confidence in the lead up to the next election.

The Orange By-Election could be a game changer

The Orange By-Election could be a game changer

The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party candidate for the Orange By-Election, Philip Donato, is set to put a burr under the saddle of Troy Grant and The Nationals.

“The Nationals have been resting on their laurels in rural New South Wales for years,” Mr. Donato said.

“All the National Party want from their MPs is that they do whatever the Liberal Party says – even if it is bad for their rural constituents. That’s what we saw from the recent demotion of Katrina Hodgkinson and Chris Galuptis for not supporting Mike Baird and Troy Grant’s greyhound racing ban.

“Since the Liberal Party are siding with the Animal Justice Party on banning greyhound racing, and The Greens on not revoking the Native Vegetation Act, farming communities need advocates who will actually stand up for them.”

Are the Nationals really committed to Regional NSW?

Are the Nationals really committed to Regional NSW?

In a statement relating to the yellow shirt debacle (printed 13/01/2015), Melinda Pavey said that the NSW Liberals and Nationals are committed to making NSW number one again and one way in which this can happen is by decentralising bureaucracies and involving people in the decisions that affect them.

The greyhound debacle is yet another example of poor performance.

We need to return some focus upon all things rural including a commitment to putting the RURAL back into the Rural Fire Service.

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