RFS volunteer exercising rights as a ‘worker’ – By Michael Eburn

The decision here is certainly giving effect to the principle that a volunteer is a worker and enjoys the rights and privileges once only given to employees. Regardless of the merits of Mr Bryant’s claims, he is certainly committed and dedicated and willing to put his money and his effort into what he must see as the best interest of the RFS and its workforce.

Turnbull steps in as promised, but don’t expect a swift end to (CFA / UFU) firefighter dispute

Turnbull steps in as promised, but don’t expect a swift end to (CFA / UFU) firefighter dispute

For many, the release of draft legislation purporting to bring an end to the prolonged Victorian firefighter dispute was a welcome, timely fulfilment of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s promise to make it the “first item of business” following his re-election.

However, the bill – both in the manner of its launch and in its content – will generate continuing controversy. And it will not solve the problems to which it was allegedly directed.

If federal parliament passes the bill, a constitutional challenge is likely to ensue.

The Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities

The Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities

The Australian Business Roundtable members are jointly committing resources to work constructively with governments to deliver in five critical areas including community education, risk information, adaptation research, mitigation infrastructure and strategic alliances.

A summary of the theme could be “spend more on mitigation and less on mayhem”.

Karuah Rural Fire Service battles own crumbling shed

BEYOND frustrated with sub-standard conditions Karuah Rural Fire Service has broken ranks in its fight for a new shed.
The acting captain Ken Smee has revealed a long list of problems from structural cracking to flooding and improper facilities for men and women working in close quarters.
“We’ve done everything by the book until now and it’s got us nowhere,” he said.

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