A team of researchers at Griffith University are conducting a survey to try and identify knowledge and knowledge gaps in relation to the impact of fire-fighting chemicals on species and ecosystems in Australia as part of a larger project.

They are looking for the opinions of people from groups involved in fire management in Australia.

These groups might include fire services, researchers, policymakers, land managers, government and chemical manufacturers.

Drier and warmer weather conditions can lead to longer and more intense fire seasons and more frequent and/or severe fires in Australia.

These fires have significant impacts on biodiversity and a range of strategies and policies are in place to manage the impacts of fire on species and ecosystems. One of the main strategies in place to fight natural fires is the use of fire-fighting chemicals. Increasing fire frequency and severity associated with predicted future climate change will lead to increased use of these chemicals in the natural environment. To date, however, little is known about the impacts of fire-fighting chemicals on Australian species and ecosystems.

The purpose of this research is to collect expert opinion on the impacts of fire-fighting chemicals on species and ecosystems and identify key knowledge gaps and research priorities in relation to fire-fighting chemical use in Australia. 

This work is being conducted by Dr Clare Morrison, Dr Laura Grogan and Dr Chantal Lanctôt from the School of Environment and Science, Griffith University as part of a larger study into the impacts of fire-fighting chemicals on Australian fauna.

Click on the button below to access the survey


Survey – Impact of Firefighting chemicals on Species and Ecosystems in Australia
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